Professional Learning

Professional LearningProfessional LearningProfessional LearningProfessional LearningProfessional LearningProfessional Learning

High-quality professional learning is a process that ensures all educators have equitable access throughout their career continuum to relevant, individual and collaborative opportunities to enhance their practice so that all students advance towards positive academic and non-academic outcomes.

Waterford's Professional Learning and Evaluation Committee (PLEC) has a focus of promoting excellence through a coherent alignment of district goals, professional learning opportunities, and the evaluation system. Professional learning days are offered three (3) times a year for all Waterford faculty and staff, and it is a requirement of employment and certification that staff attend all learning days. Additionally, staff and facility are given numerous other options for workshops and professional development opportunities outside of district training days. 

Professional Learning and Evaluation Committee:

The PLEC will consist of five administrators, three representing each building level (Elem, MS, HS) and the other two from central office; twelve teachers, two representing each school, with a mixture of roles (Core Academic, Unified Arts, Special Education; Related Services; Instructional Coaches); a paraprofessional representative and a WFCT representative.


Core Academic = Classroom Teachers whose primary assessment is the teach any of the following; Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies

Unified Arts = Teachers whose primary assessment is the teach any of the following; Art, Music, Physical Education, Business, Health, Library, Family Consumer Science; Technology Education, World Language

Special Education = Special Education Teachers whose primary assessment is the any of the following; Resource Teacher, Autism Teacher, Support Teacher

Related Services = Teachers whose primary assessment is the teach any of the following;  School Counselors; Psychologist, Social Work, Speech, ELL; Special Ed Testing;  Talented & Gifted; Literacy Support, Math Support

Instructional Coaches = Teachers whose primary assessment is an Instructional Coach in Literacy, Numerous, or Technology

PLEC Member Terms:

Membership will be evaluated annually to determine if adjustments are needed.

  • Initially, in order to insure continuity, one teacher from each school will serve a one-year term and one teacher will serve up to a two-year term. After this initial period terms will be for two years.
  • Initially, in order to insure continuity, one building administrator will serve a one-year term and one building administrator will serve up to a two-year term. After this initial period terms will be for two years.
  • The WFCT member will serve until the WFCT decides that a different member is will be the representative.
  • The Para Union member will serve until the President of the Para Union decides that a different member is will be the representative.
  • The central office members will be serving until the Superintendent determines a different representative.

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