*PARENTS: Please reference the documentation below before proceeding. An Account MUST be set up and your student/s linked to your account with the PowerSchool Access ID and Access Password provided to you by your child's school.
Waterford Public Schools utilizes PowerSchool as its student information system. The PowerSchool Public Portal provides parents and students online access to student attendance and grades through the Internet. The PowerSchool Mobile App can be downloaded on Apple iOS or Android mobile devices for quick access to student information as well. Helpful information on some of the most common PowerSchool features are listed below:
Click here to access the parent and student portal.
Click the links below for instructional How to's:
Directions for Creating an Account on the Single Sign-On Parent Portal (Spanish Version)
Helpful tips on how to add another student/s to your account, set up account preferences, and email notifications (Spanish Version)
PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal Quick Start Guide
Click here for details on the
New PowerSchool Mobile App for Parents and Students
Waterford Schools
District Code